Recipe Quest

The recipe for all three websites is red velvet cake. First recipe is on “Sally’s Baking Site” and she named her red velvet recipe, “Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting” ( ) . Next, we have the website, “Divas can Cook” with recipe name, “BEST Southern Red velvet Cake Recipe”, ( Lastly there is site, “Handle the Heat” with red velvet recipe name, “Red Velvet Cake”. ( )

  1.  Imagine abstract wireframes underneath the recipe layouts. Focus just on the recipes and ignore other web page elements such as the navigation menu. How would you describe, compare, and contrast the common elements?

I would say one thing they all have in common is that they all have ads on the right side of the website. Its either adds or further recipes on their websites. On each site, each text is rectangular. But it is broken up by images between each paragraph of the red velvet cake that is being prepared. 

  • In your opinion, do any standout for good layout, or bad?

I would not state any as bad. They are all easy to read and the wireframing makes it easy for the eye to follow along. It’s not busy or cluttered and it’s easy to tell that the wireframing is very well done. 

  • What are the top 5 most important elements of a recipe layout? Are any of the recipe layouts missing important elements? 

 The 5 most important elements of a recipe layout is imagery/graphics, text/typography, white space, balance, lines and lines. No, they all hit the mars and are very well designed in a beautiful manner. 


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